Teacher workgroups have been an integral part of transitional math implementation. In summer 2017, three subcommittees comprised of high school, community college, and university math teachers convened to create the competencies. Those were later vetted by the statewide panel, sent out through a public commenting period, edited and endorsed by the statewide panel, and agreed upon by ISBE, ICCB, and IBHE.
That process of collaboration continued throughout 2018 with multiple teacher workgroups working to find open resources as well as develop competency rubrics, scope and sequence charts, and outline units of instruction. These efforts will result in sample units of instruction that include curated free tasks as well as ones created specifically for PWR transitional math. Any original tasks will be piloted in spring 2019 prior to publishing. The sample units are not required for use but will be made available to allow schools to customize as needed to satisfy the desired curricular approach.
In addition to these documents, other curricular materials have been found and made available in the Resources submenu. Some work may be necessary to build a set of curricular resources to meet a school’s needs. The provided links and documents should assist that process.